The Goshen Volunteer Fire Company was established in 1943.

Prior to 1943 Goshen residents utilized bucket brigades along with ladders that were stored at the Congregational Church in the center of town. For an incident bigger than they could handle mutual aid was requested from the Torrington Fire Department.

As the town grew, residents realized the need to became more organized. As a result, they formed a fire company and installed Michael Grusauskas as the Town’s first chief and selected the former Center School (shown in photo) as the company’s headquarters.

Through funds from the town, monies from scrap metal drives (it was wartime), and donations from residents, the remodeling of the school was finished in June of 1944. Installation of a siren (which can be seen on the roof in the photo) and a phone alert system to summon the volunteers was installed in 1945.

In the 1950’s the department saw the acquisition of a new pumper, a portable lighting system with generator, a boat, and SCBA’s (portable self-contained breathing apparatus consisting of a tank, a harness, and a mask).

Fire prevention programs in schools were initiated by the Fire Company, along with a program that provided invalid chairs (todays wheelchair) and crutches to any Goshen resident in need.

The Fire Company also realized the need for Emergency Medical Services. Twenty-two members of the Company signed up to participate in training by the Red Cross. The first ambulance to be operated was donated to the town of Goshen by the Torrington Ambulance Service. In 1961, the donated ambulance was turned over to the Company, which announced the service to be free to all taxpayers.

Today, operation of Emergency Medical Services remains a firehouse function, and through the dedication of its current members the Company is proud to still provided these services free to all Goshen residents… (On a side note, this is something that is only done in 2 other towns in Connecticut.)

In 1964 a new fire truck was purchased along with fire coats and helmets. The company realized they were outgrowing the building they occupied so they began to search for construction funds and a suitable site.

As funding became available, the building used by the Company today at the current site began. Once the shell was completed the building was used for storing apparatus only. The Ladies Auxiliary raised funds and paid for a kitchen, and fireman raised funds and volunteered their labor to finish the interior. On July 10, 1972 the building was completed. In 1989 the building was enlarged to accommodate additional equipment and to provide a second floor for offices and training facilities. (see building photo)

In 1984, a dive team was formed after a drowning that had occurred. This elite unit provides rescue services for boating, swimming, and other incidents that require both above and underwater operations. The acquisition of an air boat (shown in the photo) further expanded the unique capabilities of the Goshen Fire Company as it can operate on ice, as well as in shallow water where most boats cannot. Today many towns within our region rely on the expertise of the Goshen Fire Company for water emergencies.

After several requests for help with search and rescue in wooded parts of the town, the Goshen Fire Company purchased two off-road all-terrain vehicles along with a trailer to transport them.

The Company also purchased portable pumps and generators to aid residents who may experience flooding of homes by storms or plumbing failures.

To help the Company deal with sometimes difficult to reach brush fires the company purchased a special 6 wheeled all-wheel drive vehicle specially outfitted for that purpose along with a trailer to transport it.

The increase in calls and requests for search and rescue led the Goshen Fire Company to purchase off-road All Terrain Vehicles. An increase in the flooding of homes due to storms and/or plumbing failures resulted in the Company purchasing portable pumps and generators, and a special 6 wheeled vehicle was purchased and outfitted with the necessary equipment to help fight difficult to reach brush fires.

In today’s ever-changing world of technology the Goshen Fire Company continues the acquisition of necessary associated equipment to provide its members with specialized training dealing with hazardous materials, electric vehicles, solar panels, modern vehicle entrapments, and the recent pandemic.